52词语>英语词典>plant pot翻译和用法

plant pot

英 [ˈplɑːnt pɒt]

美 [ˈplænt pɑːt]

n.  花盆



    • 花盆
      a container for growing plants in


      • 花盆
        Aplant potis a container that is used for growing plants.
        1. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pot planter


        • Plant uptake of P for three inorganic phosphates per pot, plant phosphorus content and phosphorus utilization raised and was in the order: sodium pyrophosphate maximum, followed by orthophosphoric acid and calcium biphosphate.
        • According to the test results of soil and plant samples collected from pot cultivation, the biomass of the plants, the available contents of heavy metals in the soil and the heavy metal concentrations in the plants rise with the increase of application quantity of sewage sludge.
        • ( of a plant) having roots that fill its pot completely a plant that grows from a bulb.
        • With any plant, a pot dries out faster, the pot does, than any plant that is in the soil.
        • In general, customers want to know who has which plant, in what size pot, in what quantity, and at what price.
        • This plant of pot holder is his birthday present.
        • When the plants are large enough, this means usually when it got about four leaves, transfer each plant into a three inch pot.
        • Professor sprout took a large plant pot from under the table and plunged the Mandrake into it, burying him in dark, damp compost until only the tufted leaves were visible.
        • My camellia plant has gone to pot.
        • Put the plant in your new pot and water it.